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Email Security and Internet Privacy by Privacy Resources

The purpose of this site is to provide as much information as possible, in one place, about your privacy and security, or lack thereof, on the internet. It is a complex subject. To try to make it easier to find the areas that are of concern to different people, the site is divided into a number of subject areas. Just find what's of interest to you, and click on the link.

Why do this? Well, this site was originally developed by the same company that offers the SecureNym secure email system. But regardless of this your privacy and security decisions should be based on reliable information and data. It is our goal to provide as much useful, honest information as we can so that you can make informed choices.

After reviewing the information and various privacy resources available here, hopefully you will realize the need and consider using some means of protecting your internet privacy and E-mail security.

Finally... quit worrying about whether or not anyone is watching; They are!

Written by: Pete Zaborszky

Founder of and privacy advocate even before Edward Snowden's revelations. Computing graduate from Imperial College London. Speaker at cybersecurity conferences e.g. IPExpo and regularly speaks on tech podcasts.


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